200+ Best ChatGPT Prompt for all Workflow

Table of Contents

What is Chat GPT, and why are we using

Chat GPT is a game-changer in AI technology in today’s digital landscape. You’re in the right place if you’ve heard whispers about its potential but are still determining what it entails and why it’s gaining immense popularity. In this blog post, we’ll demystify Chat GPT, exploring what it is, how it works, and why businesses, developers, and individuals are increasingly turning to this remarkable innovation.

Imagine having a virtual assistant who understands your questions and responds naturally and coherently. Chat GPT, “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” is precisely that virtual assistant. It’s part of a family of AI models that have transformed how we interact with machines, enabling human-like conversations and providing solutions to various tasks.

But what exactly is ChatGPT, and what makes it so compelling?

Chat GPT is a deep learning-powered language model trained on vast amounts of text data. Its primary objective is to generate text that sounds like a human wrote it. This model can understand context, answer questions, generate creative content, translate languages, assist with coding, and much more—all through written or spoken language.
The magic behind Chat GPT lies in its ability to adapt and generalize. It can seamlessly switch between various tasks and domains, making it incredibly versatile. From answering customer inquiries in real time to generating creative content for writers and assisting developers with coding challenges, Chat GPT’s applications are as diverse as they are powerful.
So, why do individuals, businesses, and developers enthusiastically embrace Chat GPT?
The answer is simple—efficiency and effectiveness. Chat GPT streamlines tasks, enhances productivity, and opens new possibilities across various industries. Businesses can provide better customer support, content creators can overcome writer’s block, developers can get coding assistance, and students can find answers to their research questions—all thanks to this conversational AI marvel.


  • You can copy and use our best ChatGPT prompt
  • We have given only prompts.
  • You need to fill in the details related to the topic, project details, etc.

ChatGPT Prompts for Academician

  • As an academician, your responsibility is to conduct research on a topic of your choice and present your findings in a paper or article. Your task will be to gather information from reliable sources, organize the material logically, and accurately document it with citations.To begin with, you have been asked to write an article on modern trends in renewable energy generation that targets college students between the ages of 18 and 25. Please let me know if you need any assistance with this task.

ChatGPT Prompts for Accountant

  • As an accountant, your task is to devise innovative ways to handle finances. You will need to take into account factors such as budgeting, investment strategies, and risk management while creating a financial plan for your client. In some cases, you may also have to provide suggestions about taxation laws and regulations to assist them in maximizing their profits. To begin with, my recommendation is to “Create a financial plan for a small business that emphasizes cost savings and long-term investments.

ChatGPT Prompts for AI Assisted Doctor

  • As an AI-assisted doctor, your task is to diagnose the most likely cause of a patient’s symptoms using the latest artificial intelligence tools, such as medical imaging software, and traditional methods, such as physical examinations and laboratory tests. To ensure accuracy, you must incorporate both approaches in your evaluation process. My first request is for you to help diagnose a case of severe abdominal pain.

ChatGPT Prompts for Amazon Advertising

  • How can I create and optimize a Sponsored Products campaign on Amazon to drive more sales and improve my product visibility?
  • What are the best practices for setting up and managing Sponsored Brands campaigns to increase brand awareness and sales on Amazon?
  • How can I leverage Sponsored Display ads to target and retarget potential customers both on and off Amazon?
  • What are the essential components of a successful Amazon advertising strategy that will help me maximize return on investment (ROI)
  • How do I conduct keyword research for Amazon advertising campaigns to target the most relevant and profitable search terms?
  • What are the best practices for optimizing my advertising budget and bidding strategy on Amazon to achieve my desired advertising goals?
  • How can I use Amazon’s advertising analytics and reporting tools to monitor my campaign performance and make data-driven decisions?
  • What are the best practices for optimizing my product listings, including titles, descriptions, and images, to improve my Amazon advertising performance?
  • How do I leverage Amazon’s automatic and manual targeting options in my advertising campaigns to achieve the best results?
  • What are the best practices for managing and optimizing my Amazon advertising campaigns during peak seasons or sales events, such as Prime Day and the holiday season?
  • How can I use Amazon’s Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) metric to evaluate my campaign performance and adjust my strategy accordingly?
  • What are the best practices for using negative keywords in my Amazon advertising campaigns to improve targeting and reduce wasted ad spend?

ChatGPT Prompts for Aphorism Book

  • I am requested to act as an aphorism book that provides wise advice, inspiring quotes, and meaningful sayings to guide one’s day-to-day decisions. If necessary, I can suggest practical methods to put this advice into action or other related themes The first request is for guidance on how to stay motivated when facing adversity.

ChatGPT Prompts for Art: Midjourney Prompt

  • Imagine a city where every building is covered in a layer of nanobots, which can repair damage and make repairs on the fly.
  • Picture a city of the future where people can control their homes and devices with their thoughts, thanks to advanced brain-computer interfaces.
  • Envision a city where people can live and work in giant, inflatable structures that can be moved and reconfigured as needed, providing endless flexibility and adaptability.
  • A desolate wasteland where nothing grows, and the only signs of life are the rusted ruins of civilization.
  • A world in ruin, where massive cities have crumbled into dust, and the only survivors are the hardiest of scavengers.
  • An abandoned city left to decay after an unexplained disaster, now overgrown with vines and weeds.
  • A landscape ravaged by climate change, where the once-beautiful natural world has been turned into a barren, lifeless desert.
  • A deadly virus has decimated humanity, leaving only a handful of survivors fighting to stay alive.
  • Imagine a city where every building is covered in a layer of nanobots, which can repair damage and make repairs on the fly.
  • Picture a city of the future where people can control their homes and devices with their thoughts, thanks to advanced brain-computer interfaces.
  • Envision a city where people can live and work in giant, inflatable structures that can be moved and reconfigured as needed, providing endless flexibility and adaptability.
  • A desolate wasteland where nothing grows, and the only signs of life are the rusted ruins of civilization.
  • A world in ruin, where massive cities have crumbled into dust, and the only survivors are the hardiest of scavengers.
  • An abandoned city left to decay after an unexplained disaster, with vines and weeds growing through pavement cracks.
  • A landscape ravaged by climate change, where the once-beautiful natural world has been turned into a barren, lifeless desert.
  • A deadly virus has decimated humanity, leaving only a handful of survivors struggling to survive.

ChatGPT Prompts for Artist Advisor

  • As an artist advisor, my task is to provide guidance on various art styles, including tips on effectively utilizing light and shadow effects in painting and shading techniques while sculpting. Additionally, I can suggest suitable music pieces that could complement your artwork depending on its genre or style type. To help you better understand my recommendations, I will also provide appropriate reference images. My goal is to help aspiring artists explore new creative possibilities and practice ideas that will help them improve their skills. For instance, if you are working on surrealistic portrait paintings, I can offer you advice on how to approach the style effectively.

ChatGPT Prompts for Ascii Artist

  • As an ASCII artist, I will provide you with the names of various objects. Your task is to convert these objects into ASCII art and write them in the code block. Please make sure to write only ASCII code and avoid providing any explanation about the object. To start with, the first object to convert is “cat.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Astrologer

  • As an astrologer, you will become familiar with the zodiac signs and their meanings, learn about planetary positions and how they can influence human lives, and be able to accurately interpret horoscopes. Your task will be to offer guidance and advice to those seeking your help. The first request you have received is to provide an in-depth reading for a client interested in their career development, based on their birth chart.

ChatGPT Prompts for Automobile Mechanic

  • I’m looking for someone knowledgeable about automobiles who can help me troubleshoot issues. This includes visually identifying any problems or errors, as well as diagnosing engine issues to determine the root cause (such as low oil or power issues). Additionally, I need help suggesting any required replacements and recording details like fuel consumption. My first inquiry is related to a car that won’t start even though the battery is fully charged.

ChatGPT Prompts for Babysitter

  • As a babysitter, your role would be to supervise young children, prepare meals and snacks, assist with homework and creative projects, engage in playtime activities, provide comfort and security when needed, be aware of safety concerns within the home, and ensure that all their needs are met. One of my specific requests is that I need help watching over three active boys aged 4-8 during the evening hours.

ChatGPT Prompts for Biblical Translator

  • As per your request, I shall act as a biblical translator. You can speak to me in English, and I shall translate it for you using a more elegant and beautiful biblical dialect. I will replace your simplified A0-level words and sentences with more refined and sophisticated ones, while keeping the meaning the same. Please note that I will only reply with corrections and improvements, without any explanations.
    As for your first sentence, “Hello, World!”, it can be rephrased in a biblical tone as follows: “Greetings, Earthly Domain!”

ChatGPT Prompts for Blogging

  • Write a Blog outline for an article about [TOPIC]
  • The outline should be a list of 10 headings.
  • Write a 2 paragraph blog introduction for an article about [TOPIC]. The introduction should be a maximum of 200 words. Make it highly engaging and hook the reader in.
  • Write a short and sweet blog conclusion for an article about [TOPIC]. The conclusion should be a maximum of 200 words. Briefly summarize the article with a list of 5 bullet points. Make it concise.
  • Add a call to action for [product/service]
  • Write a completely unique 2000-word article about “TOPIC.”
  • OPTIONAL PRODUCT/SERVICE DETAILS] – e.g., AtOnce is an AI writing, AI customer service tool that works with Shopify, Woocommerce… etc.
  • [DESCRIPTION OF FORMATTING] – e.g. add <p> </p> tags, add bullet points etc
  • [OUTLINE TO USE] Make it highly engaging. Write for the level of a 5th grader. Make it unique. Do not repeat yourself. [Insert any extra details here]
  • [EXTRA INFORMATION TO INCLUDE] – e.g., add counterarguments to a topic. Address common reader concerns around the topic. Write a list of 10 frequently asked questions.
  • Finish the article in the same format. Make it highly engaging.
  • Extending articles: Write [X] highly engaging, detailed paragraphs in the same format. Include bullet points. Do not include the same points as above. Write new points. Make it engaging.
  • Can you suggest some trending topics for my blog niche?
  • How can I improve my blog’s SEO and increase traffic?
  • Can you recommend any effective strategies for promoting my blog?
  • What are some common mistakes that new bloggers make, and how can I avoid them?
  • How do I write compelling blog post titles that will attract readers?
  • Can you suggest some tools or plugins that will enhance my blogging experience?
  • How do I monetize my blog and generate income?
  • Can you suggest some effective ways to engage with my audience and build a community?
  • What are the best practices for writing and formatting blog posts?
  • How can I stay motivated and consistent with my blogging efforts?
  • Can you suggest some guest blogging opportunities for my niche?
  • What are some effective ways to repurpose old blog content?
  • How do I create a content calendar and plan my blog posts in advance?
  • Can you recommend some ways to increase social media engagement for my blog?
  • What are the best ways to optimize my blog for mobile users?
  • How can I incorporate multimedia into my blog posts (e.g., videos, images, podcasts)?
  • How do I write effective meta descriptions and tags for my blog posts?
  • Can you suggest some effective ways to build backlinks to my blog?
  • What are some common myths about blogging, and how can I avoid falling for them?
  • How do I create a strong brand identity for my blog?
  • Can you suggest some ways to collaborate with other bloggers in my niche?
  • How can I effectively utilize email marketing to expand the audience of my blog?
  • What are some effective ways to analyze my blog’s performance and track metrics?
  • Can you suggest some ways to improve my blog’s user experience?
  • How can I make my blog more visually appealing and engaging?
  • What are some effective ways to handle negative comments or feedback on my blog?
  • Can you suggest some ways to build a strong email list for my blog?
  • How do I create effective calls-to-action (CTAs) in my blog posts?
  • Can you recommend some ways to use influencer marketing to promote my blog?
  • What are some common legal considerations for bloggers (e.g., copyright, FTC guidelines)?
  • How can I use storytelling to make my blog posts more engaging and memorable?
  • Can you suggest some ways to optimize my blog for voice search?
  • How do I create effective landing pages for my blog?
  • Can you recommend some ways to use social proof to build credibility for my blog?
  • What are some effective ways to use surveys and polls to engage with my audience?
  • How can I use data and analytics to improve my blog’s performance?
  • Can you suggest some ways to use chatbots to engage with my audience?
  • What are some effective ways to engage with my audience using interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and surveys?
  • How can I use webinars and online events to promote my blog?
  • Can you recommend some ways to use paid advertising to promote my blog?
  • Could you provide me with some tips on how to use user-generated content (UGC) effectively to promote my blog?
  • How do I create effective lead magnets (e.g., ebooks, whitepapers) to build my email list?
  • Can you suggest some ways to optimize my blog for local SEO?
  • How can I use gamification to engage with my audience and promote my blog?
  • What are some effective ways to use influencer outreach to promote my blog?

ChatGPT Prompts for Business

  • Can you generate novel company concepts without funding?
  • Please send an email asking individuals to take prompt action.
  • “Use the job description and resume to write the letter.”
  • Describe the feeling of a severe hangover using language that a nobleman from the Renaissance era would use.
  • Please share the meeting’s agenda in advance.
  • Create an Instagram stories product roadmap to increase post numbers, with comparisons to TikTok.
  • Let’s brainstorm business ideas together on meal delivery service. You will ask yourself 1000 questions that should generate more ideas, and you will answer these questions.
  • Write a 50-word copy for a product called “BizGrowth” that helps struggling content creators get more followers and earn money in 30 days with a guarantee, then ask them to sign up at BizGrowth.io.
  • Generate digital startup ideas based on the wishes of people. For instance, if someone says, “I wish there were a large mall in my small town,” you will create a business plan for the digital startup with the idea name, a short one-liner, target user persona, user’s pain points to solve, main value propositions, sales, and Channels for Marketing, Sources of Revenue, Structure of Costs, Vital Activities, Essential Resources, Strategic Partnerships, Steps for Validating an Idea, and Anticipated figures first-year cost of operation, and potential business challenges to look for. Please write the result in a markdown table. Create a list of 21 objections a customer might have about the new, healthy soda made with plant fiber and prebiotics called Olipop.
  • Write a first-person account from a character named Rob of what it feels like to be a copywriter struggling with getting clients from Upwork. Be very specific about the problems Rob faces and what he feels like daily.
  • Generate 15 headlines featuring kombucha, organic ingredients, billions of probiotics, an alcoholic twist, and fun.
  • Create a 50-day return policy for my e-commerce website outlining that the customer does have to send the product by requesting a return shipping label for refunds and exchanges. Make the tone upbeat, positive, and inspiring.
  • Outline a 10-point sales page promoting a teeth whitening serum endorsed by dozens of celebrities and renowned dentists to get millennial women to try the first shipment of the product for free. Make the copy funny, friendly, and easy to read.
  • Give me ten ideas for attention-grabbing hooks I can do during the first 3 seconds of a TikTok video on the ten best cities to visit in the United States if you like to eat donuts. The goal is to stop someone from scrolling and watching the video.
  • Write a contract for my e-commerce client paying my company $3000 per month with the invoice due net 30
  • Write a GDPR-compliant privacy policy for my website about natural candles outlining how the site will handle intellectual property and personal data.
  • Write a job posting for [job role] requiring [experience] and performing these key tasks [list of tasks]

ChatGPT Prompts for Business Consultants

  • How can I effectively market my consulting services to potential clients?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for managing my consulting projects?
  • What are some effective ways to find new clients as a business consultant?
  • How do I create an effective portfolio website for showcasing my consulting work?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for setting my consulting rates and pricing?
  • What are some tips for managing my consulting schedule and time effectively?
  • How can I use social media in an effective way to promote my consulting services? I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for managing my consulting finances and invoicing?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting writing and communication skills?
  • How do I effectively pitch my consulting services to potential clients?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for managing multiple consulting projects simultaneously?
  • What are some tips for building a strong professional network as a business consultant?
  • How can I improve my consulting project management and organization skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing contracts and agreements with clients?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting design and creative skills?
  • How do I effectively negotiate contracts and rates with clients as a business consultant?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for balancing my consulting work and personal life?
  • What are some tips for creating effective proposals and pitches for consulting projects?
  • How can I improve my consulting marketing and branding strategies?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for managing my consulting client relationships and communication?
  • What are some strategies that can help business consultants stay motivated and productive?
  • How do I effectively manage my consulting workload and avoid burnout?
  • Could you please recommend some efficient approaches that I can adopt to enhance the delivery and timelines of my consulting projects?
  • What are some tips for effectively managing my consulting taxes and financial planning?
  • How can I improve my consulting project collaboration and teamwork skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing project timelines and schedules?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting project research and analysis skills?
  • How do I effectively manage project feedback and revisions as a business consultant?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for dealing with difficult clients as a consultant?
  • What are some tips for effectively managing my consulting project quality and assurance?
  • How can I improve my consulting project planning and forecasting skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing project budgets and expenses?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting project risk management and contingency planning?
  • How do I effectively manage project changes and scope creep as a consultant?
  • Can you suggest effective strategies to improve communication and collaboration with consulting clients?
  • What are some tips for effectively managing my consulting project deliverables and milestones?
  • How can I improve my consulting project performance and feedback measurement?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing consulting project dashboards and reporting?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting project stakeholder management and engagement?
  • How do I effectively manage my consulting project resources and dependencies?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for managing multiple consulting clients and projects simultaneously?
  • What are some tips for effectively managing my consulting project documentation and knowledge management?
  • How can I improve my consulting project creativity and innovation skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing consulting project timelines and roadmaps?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my consulting project governance and compliance?
  • How do I effectively manage my consulting project risks and issues?
  • Could you recommend some effective strategies to enhance communication in my consulting project? Also, please correct any spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors if present.
  • How can I help my clients improve their overall business strategy?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for business analysis and modeling?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my clients’ customer engagement and loyalty?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ current business operations and processes?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for managing change and transformation within a business?
  • What are some tips for conducting effective business research and analysis?
  • How can I improve my client’s project management and delivery capabilities?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for data analysis and visualization in business consulting?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my clients’ marketing and branding strategies?
  • How do I effectively analyze and evaluate my client’s financial performance and planning?
  • Can you suggest some effective strategies for optimizing my clients’ supply chain and logistics operations?
  • What are some tips for creating effective business plans and roadmaps for my clients?
  • How can I improve my clients’ innovation and creativity capabilities within their businesses?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing business budgets and forecasts?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my clients’ employee engagement and retention?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ business risks and develop mitigation strategies?
  • Can you recommend some efficient tactics to enhance my clients’ market research and analysis?
  • What are some tips for creating effective business models and value propositions for my clients?
  • How can I help my clients improve their sales and revenue generation strategies?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for developing and managing business dashboards and reporting?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my client’s online presence and digital marketing strategies?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ technology and IT capabilities and needs?
  • Can you provide me with some effective strategies that can help improve the customer service and satisfaction of my clients? Please correct me if I made any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
  • What are some tips for developing effective pricing strategies for my clients?
  • How can I help my clients improve their leadership and management skills?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing business process workflows?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my clients’ data management and analysis capabilities?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ market positioning and competitive landscape?
  • Can you provide me with some effective strategies that I can use to improve the product and service innovation of my clients?
  • What are some tips for creating effective go-to-market strategies for my clients?
  • How can I help my clients improve their corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing project timelines and schedules?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my client’s business intelligence and reporting capabilities?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ organizational structure and design?
  • Can you provide effective strategies for improving human resources and talent management for my clients?
  • What are some tips for developing effective sales enablement strategies for my clients?
  • How can I help my clients improve their overall business performance and profitability?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing client presentations and proposals?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my client’s operational efficiency and effectiveness?
  • How do I effectively evaluate my clients’ legal and regulatory compliance requirements?
  • Could you please provide some recommendations on how to enhance my clients’ market segmentation and targeting strategies?
  • What are some tips for developing effective product and service roadmaps for my clients?
  • How can I help my clients improve their vendor and supplier management strategies?
  • Can you recommend some effective tools for creating and managing business performance dashboards?
  • What are some effective ways to improve my clients’
  • How can I help my clients increase their profitability?
  • Can you recommend some effective strategies for improving my clients’ customer satisfaction?
  • What are some ways to help my clients improve their operational efficiency?
  • How can I help my clients identify and manage risk in their business?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting market research and analysis?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their supply chain management?
  • How can I help my clients develop a successful business strategy?
  • Can you recommend some effective methods for measuring and analyzing business performance?
  • What are some ways to help my clients optimize their pricing strategies?
  • How can I help my clients improve their online marketing and digital presence?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for creating and analyzing financial reports?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their employee engagement and retention?
  • How can I help my clients develop effective business plans?
  • Can you recommend some effective strategies for improving my clients’ cash flow management?
  • What are some ways to help my clients effectively manage their resources and assets?
  • How can I help my clients identify and leverage new business opportunities?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for creating and managing budgets?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients effectively manage their vendors and suppliers?
  • How can I help my clients improve their communication and collaboration within their organization?
  • Can you recommend some effective methods for conducting competitive analysis?
  • How can I assist my clients in identifying and addressing gaps in their product or service offerings?
  • How can I help my clients develop effective marketing strategies and campaigns?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting a SWOT analysis?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their time management and productivity?
  • How can I help my clients identify and overcome barriers to growth and expansion?
  • Can you recommend some effective strategies for improving my clients’ employee training and development programs?
  • What are some ways to help my clients effectively manage their inventory and supply chain logistics?
  • How can I help my clients improve their customer relationship management (CRM) strategies?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting market segmentation and targeting?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their project management processes?
  • How can I help my clients identify and address weaknesses in their organizational structure?
  • Can you recommend some effective methods for conducting feasibility studies?
  • What are some ways to help my clients effectively manage their sales processes?
  • How can I help my clients develop and maintain a positive company culture?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting financial forecasting and planning?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their procurement and sourcing strategies?
  • How can I help my clients improve their vendor and supplier selection processes?
  • Can you recommend some effective strategies for managing change within an organization?
  • What are some ways to help my clients improve their product development and innovation processes?
  • How can I help my clients develop effective sales and marketing collateral?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting customer satisfaction surveys and analysis?
  • What are some tips for helping my clients improve their website design and user experience?
  • How can I help my clients improve their project risk management processes?
  • Can you recommend some effective strategies for improving my client’s social media presence?
  • What are some ways to help my clients effectively manage their data and analytics?
  • How can I help my clients identify and address gaps in their compliance and regulatory processes?
  • Can you suggest some effective tools for conducting market segmentation and targeting? 

ChatGPT Prompts for Car Navigation System

  • As a car navigation system, you need to develop algorithms to determine the best routes between locations, provide frequent updates on traffic conditions, and account for construction detours and other delays. Moreover, you should utilize mapping technology like Google Maps or Apple Maps to offer interactive visuals of different destinations and points of interest along the way. One of my initial requests is for you to help me create a route planner that can suggest alternative routes during rush hour.

ChatGPT Prompts for Career Counselor

  • As a career counselor, your task is to assist individuals in determining the careers that are most suitable for them based on their skills, interests, and experience. You are also responsible for conducting research into various career options, explaining job market trends across different industries, and advising on the qualifications required to pursue a particular field. Your first task is to advise someone who is interested in pursuing a potential career in software engineering.

ChatGPT Prompts for CEO

  • As the CEO of a hypothetical company, your responsibilities would include making strategic decisions, managing the organization’s financial performance, and representing the company to external stakeholders. You will be presented with various scenarios and challenges to respond to, and it is important to use your best judgment and leadership skills to come up with effective solutions. As you navigate your role, it is essential to maintain professionalism and prioritize decisions that are beneficial to both the company and its employees. One of the challenges you may face is managing a potential crisis that requires a product recall. In such a situation, what steps would you take to minimize any adverse effects on the company, and how would you handle it? 

ChatGPT Prompts for Character from a Movie

  • “I want you to pretend to be {character} from {series}. Your responses should be in the same tone, manner, and vocabulary as {character} would use. You must have the same knowledge as {character}. Please start by saying “Hi {character}.” Please note that I do not want any explanations, only responses that {character} would give. Let me know if there are any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors that I need to correct.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Chef

  • I am looking for someone who can provide me with tasty recipes that are not only nutritionally beneficial but also quick and easy to prepare, making them ideal for busy individuals like myself. Additionally, I would appreciate suggestions that are cost-effective, so that the overall dish is healthy yet economical.
    My first request is for a light yet fulfilling recipe that can be prepared quickly during my lunch break.

ChatGPT Prompts for Chess Player

  • Let’s play a game of chess where we act as rival players. We will take turns making moves, starting with me as white. Please don’t explain your moves to me as we are opponents. Simply respond with your move after mine. And don’t forget to update the board in your mind with each move. To begin, my first move is e4.

ChatGPT Prompts for Classical Music Composer

  • “I would like you to act as a classical music composer and create an original musical piece for a particular instrument or orchestra that highlights its unique sound. Specifically, I am requesting assistance with composing a piano piece that incorporates both traditional and modern techniques.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Coding

  • Let’s play a game where you act as a JavaScript console. I will give you commands, and you will respond with what the JavaScript console should show. Please reply only with the terminal output inside one unique code block and nothing else. Do not write any explanations or type commands unless I instruct you to do so. I need to communicate in English; I’ll use curly brackets {like this}. Here’s your first command: console.log(“Hello World”);
  • As a software developer, I have been tasked with creating a secure web application using Golang and Angular. The application must allow users to register and save their vehicle information based on their assigned roles. The roles are admin, user, and company. To ensure the security of the application, it must use JWT authentication.
  • As a Solar Search Engine, you will operate in standalone mode and allow for the addition of inline JSON documents in varied fields with integer, string, float, or array data types. You will also update the index upon document insertion, allowing for easy retrieval of documents using SOLR-specific queries between curly braces, comma-separated. To accomplish this, you will provide three commands in a numbered list. The “add to” command allows us to populate a JSON document inline within a given collection. The second option is “search on,” followed by a collection name. The “show” command will display a list of available cores and the number of documents in each core (in parentheses). Please create two empty collections called ‘prompts’ and ‘eyay’, respectively.
  • As a senior frontend developer, I require your services to work on a project. The project details are as follows: You will use the following tools – Create React App, yarn, Ant Design, List, Redux Toolkit, createSlice, thunk, and Axios – to code the project. Your task is to merge all files into a single index.js file and avoid providing any explanations. The first task I have for you is to create a Pokemon App that displays a list of Pokemon with their corresponding images from the PokeAPI sprites endpoint.
  • I need you to act as a PHP interpreter. I will provide you with the code, and you’ll return the output of the PHP interpreter. Please respond with the terminal output within a unique code block, and avoid writing any explanations or typing commands unless I instruct you to do so. Whenever I need to provide you with instructions in English, I’ll use curly brackets, like this: {instruction}. To begin, please run the following command. Let me know if you need further assistance.
  • “Please act as a Stackoverflow post. You will be answering programming-related questions that I ask, and you should only reply with the correct answer. If there is not enough detail, please provide an explanation. Please do not write any explanations unless necessary. If I need to communicate something in English, I will use curly brackets {like this}. Here’s my first question: How can I read the body of an http?Request to a string in Golang?”
  • I can help you by acting as an R interpreter. You can input commands, and I will provide you with the corresponding terminal output, but only within a code block. Please refrain from providing explanations or typing additional commands unless specifically asked to do so. In case you need to communicate something in English, please enclose it within curly brackets {like this}. To start with, please enter the command “sample(x = 1:10, size = 5)”.
  • As an AI-powered assistant, I can act as a regex generator to generate regular expressions that match specific patterns in text. My responsibility is to provide easily copy-pasteable regular expressions for use in regex-enabled text editors or programming languages while ensuring correctness, clarity, and consistency. I will not write any explanations or examples of how the regular expressions work; I will only provide the regular expressions themselves. Your first prompt is to generate a regular expression that matches an email address.
  • As an IT expert, your role is to solve my technical problems. I will provide you with all necessary information about my issues, and you should utilize your knowledge of computer science, network infrastructure, and IT security to resolve them. Please communicate your solutions in simple, intelligent, and understandable language suitable for people of all levels. bullet points to explain your solutions clearly and avoid errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Please avoid excessive technical details, but use them when necessary. Your response should focus on providing a solution to my issue, rather than providing explanations. My first problem is that my laptop shows an error with a blue screen.
  • As a Full-Stack Software Developer, you are required to act as a software developer. You will receive specific requirements for a web application. Your task will be to design an architecture, write code, and develop a secure application using Golang and Angular.The system allows admins, users, and companies to register and save vehicle information based on their roles. The system should use JWT for security.
  • As an SVG designer, I need your assistance in creating images. Your task would be to generate SVG code for the image, convert it to a base64 data URL, and then provide me with a response that includes only a markdown image tag referencing that data URL. Please avoid putting the markdown inside a code block and send only the markdown without any text. For your first task, please create an image of a red circle.
  • As a machine learning engineer, I would like you to help me with a task. I will provide you with some machine learning concepts, and it will be your responsibility to explain them in easy-to-understand language. To learn machine learning, one can be guided through building a model with instructions, visuals, or online resources. First question: Which machine learning algorithm suits an unlabeled dataset?
  • Please follow these instructions carefully. I need you to act like a Python interpreter for me. I will provide you with Python code, and you will execute it. Please avoid giving any explanations and only respond with the output of the code. Let’s start with the following code: “print(‘hello world!’)”
  • As a technical writer, your task is to create engaging guides on how to use specific software. I will provide you with the basic steps of the app functionality, and you will transform them into an engaging article. If you think a screenshot would be helpful, simply add (screenshot) to where you think one should be inserted. The first basic steps of the app are as follows: Download by clicking the appropriate button for your platform. Install the file. Double-click to open the app.
  • As an IT architect, you will be responsible for integrating new digital products or applications into the existing IT landscape. You will analyze the business requirements, perform a gap analysis, and map the functionality of the new system to the current IT landscape. Then, you will create a solution design, a physical network blueprint, define interfaces for system integration, and develop a blueprint for the deployment environment. Your first task is to help integrate a CMS system.
  • I can help you simulate a SQL terminal. You will be able to interact with an example database that contains tables such as “Products,” “Users,” “Orders,” and “Suppliers .”Simply type your queries, and I will respond with the corresponding output. I will only provide query results in one code block. No explanations or commands will be included unless instructed otherwise. If you need to communicate something in English, please use curly braces {like this}. To initiate, please type “SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Products ORDER BY Id DESC”.
  • As a software quality assurance tester, your main responsibility is to test the functionality and performance of a new software application in order to ensure that it meets the required standards. Your task will be to provide detailed reports on any issues or bugs you encounter while testing, along with recommendations for improvement. It is important to note that your reports should not include any personal opinions or subjective evaluations. Your initial task will be to test the login functionality of the software.
  • As a web design consultant, your task is to provide expert guidance to an organization seeking assistance with website design or redevelopment. Your objective is to suggest an interface and features that improve user experience and meet business objectives.To create a comprehensive plan for the project, you will utilize your knowledge of UX/UI design principles, coding languages, website development tools, and other relevant factors.The initial request is to help create an e-commerce site for selling jewelry.
  • As a cyber security specialist, I would like you to create strategies for safeguarding specific information about how data is stored and shared from malicious actors. You may suggest encryption methods, create firewalls, or implement policies that identify suspicious activities. My initial request is for assistance in developing an effective cybersecurity strategy for my company.
  • As a UI/UX developer, you will be responsible for enhancing the user experience of digital products such as apps and websites. You will receive details about the product’s design, and it will be your task to come up with innovative ideas to make it better. You may have to create prototypes, test different designs, and provide feedback on what works best. My initial request for your assistance is to help me design an intuitive navigation system for my new mobile application.
  • I can help you by acting as a Linux terminal. You can input commands, and I will reply with the corresponding output. To ensure clarity, I will only provide the output inside a code block and will not include any explanations. I will not input any commands unless instructed to do so. When you need to communicate something in English, simply enclose the text in curly brackets {like this}. To start, please enter the command “pwd”.
  • Pretend you are Siri, a foolish AI made up of if-else phrases. When I say “Hey Siri,” you answer.
  • Please provide a JavaScript tip that I can share with the Twitter Tech Community.
  • Create an info symbol in SVG
  • How do you vertically and horizontally center a div?
  • I need some help with the user interface. Specifically, I need to add three action buttons to a card component which includes a long statement. However, I don’t want the buttons to be visible at all times. I need a user interface that works well on both desktop and mobile devices. I’m not sure whether showing the buttons on hover will work on mobile, so I need a good alternative.
  • What exactly does this strange-looking regex do? ((([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)
  • Can you find the security flaw in this code snippet from an open-source npm package?
  • Create code for a website with a search bar to play Twitch streams.
  • I need a bash script to convert my large h264 video to the highest quality supported by Twitter.
  • How can I create a Tailwind footer with a centered logo and three columns?
  • Please create a TypeScript function that calculates the implied volatility using the Black-Scholes model. The function should take in the underlying price, strike price, free-risk rate, and option price as inputs and output the implied volatility. Each step should be explained.
  • Please make snowflakes with JavaScript.
  • How to change query information in React-Query following
  • Please implement a concise p5.js cellular automaton life game with 800×800 canvas size and no line breaks or comments.
  • I have a text that contains certain variables in the following format: “Welcome to the world, ‘something: text,’ ‘longText:textarea’, and ‘thingie:number’.” However, there may be additional variables like “blah”. Can you please provide me with a TypeScript function that can analyze this text and generate an array of these variables along with their respective types? If a variable doesn’t have a specified type, then its type should be considered as text by default. Thank you.
  • This year, the elves have invested in a gift-wrapping machine, but unfortunately, it is not programmed. Therefore, an algorithm is needed to be developed that can help the machine in the task. The machine receives many presents, and each present is a string that needs to be wrapped and displayed along with other wrapped gifts. To wrap a gift, one must place the wrapping paper around the string, represented by the * symbol. For example, if we have gifts like “cat,” “game,” and “socks,” the function wrapping(gifts) should return [“ncatn,” “ngamen,” and “nsocksn**”] where the gift string is wrapped in the wrapping paper, and the corners are also covered in wrapping paper to prevent any gaps.

ChatGPT Prompts for Comedian

  • As per your request, I am to act as a stand-up comedian. You will provide me with some current event topics and I will use my observational skills, creativity, and wit to create a humorous routine based on those topics. It is recommended that I incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences in the routine to make it more engaging and relatable for the audience.
    Your first request is for me to create a humorous take on politics.

ChatGPT Prompts for Commentariat

  • “I would like you to act as a commentator. Your task will be to write an opinion piece on news-related stories or topics that I provide you with. Your opinion piece should provide insightful commentary on the topic, backed up by facts, and explain why the topic is important. Please utilize your personal experiences to discuss potential solutions for any issues presented within the story.For your first assignment, please write an opinion piece on climate change.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Commit Message Generator

  • I can assist you in generating a commit message. You can provide me with the task information and the prefix for the task code, and I will create a suitable commit message using the conventional commit format. I will only provide the commit message and not include any explanations or additional words.

ChatGPT Prompts for Composer

  • As your composer assistant, I will create music for the lyrics you provide. This will involve the use of different instruments and tools like synthesizers or samplers to bring the melodies and harmonies to life. Your first request is to create music for your poem named “Hayalet Sevgilim”.

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